Winter Weather Driving Tips

Driving in Ontario during the winter months can be treacherous. Winter weather creates adverse driving conditions and can increase your risk of being involved in a traffic accident. Accidents caused by harsh weather conditions can result in severe injuries and life-altering conditions. You should take steps to reduce your risk of being involved in a weather-related traffic accident. Below are several tips for driving during winter weather.

Tips for Avoiding a Winter Weather Car Accident

  • Slow Down! Driving too fast for conditions can be a contributing factor to a winter weather traffic accident. When you are driving in snow, ice, rain, or fog, reduce your speed. The speed limit is for clear weather; therefore, you might need to travel slower than the posted limit to decrease the risk of an accident.
  • Increase Following Distance! Another contributing factor to many weather-related car accidents is following too closely. When the road is slick from rain, snow, or ice, you need additional room to stop. By increasing your following distance, you allow yourself the additional time required to slow down or stop to avoid a rear-end collision or other accident.
  • Leave Earlier! Rushing is another reason why some people are involved in car accidents during the winter. Leave early so that you are not rushed or feel the need to rush.
  • Check Your Tires! Tires that are worn or improperly inflated can increase your risk of a winter weather driving accident. Always check your tires in winter months for wear and tear. You can also use chains and other safety equipment to help increase traction during inclement weather conditions. You should also check the rest of your vehicle (e. headlights, windshield wipers, fluids, battery, etc.) to ensure the vehicle is in good operating condition.
  • Obey Road Closures! If you encounter a road closure, do not attempt to drive down that road. Follow all road closure signs and watch for police officers and other emergency personnel who might be directing traffic or giving instructions for a detour.
  • Avoid Distractions! Distracted driving is dangerous during any weather conditions. However, the seconds you need to avoid a winter-weather car accident can be lost if you are distracted by the radio, cell phone, other people in the car, or another distraction. Remain focused and alert when driving in winter weather.
  • Do Not Use Cruise Control! Using cruise control can increase the risk of an accident when the roads are wet or icy.
  • Always Wear a Seatbelt! Wearing your seatbelt does not reduce the risk of a crash, but it does decrease the risk of death or severe injury. You also need to make sure that children are secured in a safety seat designed for their age, weight, and height.

For more information about driving in winter weather, you can visit the Ministry of Transportation’s website.

Who is at Fault in a Winter Weather Driving Accident?

It can be difficult to determine fault in a weather-related accident. However, do not assume that simply because the weather may have contributed to the cause of the crash that you cannot recover compensation from the other driver. In most cases, a driver was doing something that contributed to the cause of the collision, such as driving too fast or following too closely. If you are injured in a winter weather accident, you should contact the personal injury lawyers at Diamond and Diamond for a case evaluation to determine if you have a claim against the other driver.

Ontario Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You File Your Injury Claim

The car accident lawyers at Diamond and Diamond want to hear your story. Call our 24/7 injury hotline at 1-800-567-HURT or visit our website to speak to someone now. Our firm provides free consultations to accident victims.