Safety While Mountain Biking

Mountain biking is exciting, thrilling, and amazing, but it can also be very dangerous. Regarding of whether you are climbing or descending, there are dangers you encounter that can result in a mounting biking accident. Anything from a large rock or tree limb to other riders and gaps in the trail can cause you to lose control and crash. Below are tips for preparing for a safe ride and staying safe on the mountain.

Choosing the Correct Mountain Bike

Where you ride will be one of the factors you use to choose your bike. Choose a bike that fits the terrain you expect to ride most often — downhill, cross country, enduro, trail, etc. It helps to talk to an experienced rider if you are a beginner. Sales people are knowledgeable, but first-hand knowledge from someone who is not trying to make a sale can be invaluable.

You need to choose a bike that fits your frame. A bad fit can result in your ride being more like torture than pleasure. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines as a starting point, but always use your own body as a guideline. You may need to try a few bikes before you find one that fits. Do not be rushed into purchasing a bike until you know it is right for you.

Prepare for a Safe Ride

Before you leave your home, there are some things you need to do to decrease your risk of having an accident.

  • Know your fitness level. Do not attempt a trail that is beyond your skill level. When riding, always let others know if you begin to feel weak, light-headed, or nauseous.
  • Pack plenty of water and high-energy snacks for your ride.
  • Always have a first aid kit with you in thecase of an emergency.
  • Let someone know where you will be riding, who you are with, and when you expect to return. You should also tell them who to contact if you do not return by a certain time.
  • Check your bike before each ride. Riding on mountain trails can take a toll on a bike. Always check each component, including pressure in the tires, gears, chains, and brakes. Check for loose parts and replace worn parts before each ride.
  • Carry a small repair kit just in case you need to make a quick fix on the trail.
  • Ride with friends. Being alone in the great outdoors is peaceful and relaxing, but it is safer to ride with at least one other person in case of an emergency.
  • Purchase mountain bike accident insurance. In many cases, there are no “at fault” parties to an accident. Therefore, having insurance that covers your bike and your personalinjuries can save you thousands of dollars.

Safety Tips for the Ride

Now that you are ready to tackle the mountain, keep these safety tips in mind to have an enjoyable and safe ride:

  • Always wear a helmet and safety gear (i.e. gloves, shoes, clothing, pads, protective glasses, etc.) when you ride. Closed head injuries are common in falls from bicycles of all types.
  • Wear sunblock when you ride. You can easily get burned even on an overcast day.
  • Slow down when approaching a blind corner. You do not know what is on the other side — maybe a 50-foot drop.
  • If this is the first time on a particular trail, take it a little slower and get to know the trail. Watch for warning signs and obey all warning signs for your safety and the safety of others.

Ontario Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help

If you believe your mountain biking accident was caused by another party’s negligence or a defective bike part, the team of lawyers at Diamond and Diamond can help you pursue an injury claim. Call our 24/7 injury hotline at 1-800-567-HURT or visit our website to speak to someone now. We offer free consultations and case evaluations.