Railway Safety – Be Aware of Your Surroundings

The railway system is one of the most efficient forms of transportation in North America, for both consumers and businesses. However, trains have accidents just like any other form of transportation. An accident can occur on the platform, the train, or the tracks. Some accidents may be the fault of the person who is injured, such as someone illegally crossing the tracks or someone participating in horseplay on the platform.

However, many railway accidents are not the fault of the accident victim. These accidents could have been avoided if the company or government had taken steps to protect passengers and the public better from railway accidents. Below are several safety tips to keep in mind when using the railway to decrease the risk of being involved in a railway accident.

Safety Tips When Using the Railway

  • Platform – When you are waiting on the platform, do not crowd. Spread out evenly along the platform to avoid overcrowding that could result in dangerous shoving and pushing. Also, keep items you are carrying in your hands to deter thieves from taking your personal items. When the train arrives, wait until it comes to a complete stop before moving toward the entrance. Remember people are getting off the train so make sure to allow for traffic flow.
  • Avoid Distractions – Waiting on the rail can be boring but avoid the urge to become engrossed in sending texts, reading email, or watching videos. Just as distracted drivers and distracted pedestrians put themselves and others in danger, you also put yourself in danger by not remaining alert at the station. It may seem impossible, but people do walk off the platform because they are distracted.
  • Children – Always hold your children’s hands when waiting, boarding, and exiting the train. Do not let children wander or play on the platform while waiting. Keep your children safe by teaching them safe railway practices early in life.
  • Never Walk Along the Tracks – Walking along or crossing railway tracks is dangerous. Approaching trains may not be as loud as you would assume. Therefore, stay far away from tracks at all times.
  • Pay Attention to Warnings and Signs – Those signs are there for a reason. Do not just give them a cursory glance and keep going. Always listen to all warnings and instructions and follow all instructions given by sign.
  • Assume Trains Are Coming – While trains do run on schedules, sometimes those schedules vary. Always assume a train is coming.
  • Riding the Train – Remain in your seat until the train reaches a complete stop. Take children by the hand and help them on and off the train. If standing, hold onto bars tightly and prepare for sudden starts and stops. When seated, keep belongings in front of you and out of the aisle. Be careful walking through the train, the floor level could change, and damaged flooring can cause you to trip.

If an emergency occurs while riding a train or waiting on a platform, call 911 and notify personnel immediately. Remain calm and follow the instructions provided by emergency personnel.

Call an Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer

The team of Ontario personal injury lawyers at Diamond and Diamond have experience handling a variety of cases involving railway injuries. Call our 24/7 injury hotline at 1-800-567-HURT or visit our website to speak to someone now to schedule a free case evaluation and no-obligation consultation.