Diamond in the Rough

Myself, Jeremy Diamond, have always stressed the importance and ensured that the firm’s personal commitment to its clients come first. While marketing efforts to position itself as a trusted voice in the industry and its active use of media to distribute its message has worked: the proof is in multiple consumer-selected awards and accolades.

We recently had a marketing feature in the Toronto Star, Diamond in the rough:

“Sandra’s position as a legal commentator helps to legitimize what we do. Over 10 media outlets call on her to provide insight on both personal injury related matters and general legal opinion,” Diamond says. “Combining advertising efforts with public relations helps to maximize advertising dollars. Anyone can advertise but not anyone can become a sought-after expert.”

That authenticity plays a role in everything the firm does. The fact that it’s the Diamond and Diamond team itself appearing in promotional materials makes a difference.

The firm is the fastest-growing personal-injury firm in Ontario, and Jeremy Diamond says its reach and exposure continues to grow.

Staying on top of effective marketing tactics and the latest social trends has played a key role in keeping Diamond and Diamond at the top of potential clients’ minds when it comes to Toronto-based personal injury lawyers.”