A Relaxing Vacation in Hawaii turns into an Insurance Nightmare

In November, it was reported that Saskatchewan Blue Cross would not pay the medical bills of a Saskatchewan couple after giving birth prematurely

Saskatchewan Blue Cross says it will not be paying a $918,000 medical bill a Saskatchewan couple received after giving birth prematurely while vacationing in the United States. Jennifer Huculak gave birth to Reece in October 2013 after her water broke while she was in Hawaii.

While the couple purchased medical insurance, the insurer allegedly declined to pay the claim due to a pre-existing medical condition, despite the physician reportedly saying that the condition was unrelated.

While an insurance claim like this is uncommon it does highlight the importance of understanding your health insurance policy. Travellers should be aware of the resources at their disposal to assist in the disputes process.

In addition to private health care coverage, many Ontario residents are unaware of what their health-care plan (OHIP) will cover when abroad. In general, not much. OHIP, for example, pays just 7 to 9% of a hospitalization abroad, to a maximum of $400 a day. More information on OHIP coverage can be found here.

See more at: https://diamondlaw.ca/item/understanding-your-insurance-coverage-before-travelling